Security is a Process, Not a Product – Stel Valavanis,
CEO of onShore Security
onShore Security’s CEO Stel Valavanis explains what we mean when we at onShore say “Security is a Process, not a Product”.
Because Security Gives Us Freedom.
By Josh Eklow
onShore Security’s CEO Stel Valavanis explains what we mean when we at onShore say “Security is a Process, not a Product”.
By Josh Eklow
onShore Security’s Chris Johnson recently gave this talk on segregation of duties to an audience concerned with cybersecurity and compliance at SIM’s 2017 Cybersecurity Summit.
By Josh Eklow
Deb Stonikas: Last week’s headline news: ScottTrade data breach exposes 20,000 customer accounts. Their response? 20,000 customer accounts were exposed when a Third Party vendor uploaded a file to a server without proper security protocols. I guess this is just another example of how third party vendors never make headline news. But more importantly, what I want to talk about today is the NIST framework. In January of 2017, the NIST framework was updated to include supply chain risk management for security. Can you elaborate on those updates and tell us what’s happening now? [Read more…]
By Josh Eklow
As businesses continue to grow and rely on the latest technology, IT support in Chicago has become a critical component of the security of each company. Smart devices are very common, and businesses must be aware of the security dangers of each connected device. As you may know, any device connected to a network has the potential to be a security risk. Connecting to the Internet offers great convenience, but it can also be very risky. With the latest computer technology, IT technicians can help you secure your business from any malicious software. [Read more…]
By Josh Eklow
IT security in Chicago is your best defense against cyberattacks, but many small to medium-sized businesses neglect to secure themselves. One reason is that many small businesses don’t consider themselves at risk for attack. They look at themselves as too unimportant to be a target. Well, this thinking is fundamentally flawed, and you’ll see why shortly. [Read more…]