In the last two years, there has been a drastic change in network analysis as more and more companies have come to understand the importance of network flow data in all aspects of their network analytics. Whereas in the past, IT teams would survey network security, performance, and process improvement as separate tasks using small packets of data related to each field, flow data is now providing a more thorough look at all of these topics combined.
What We Can See
By looking at network flow data, we are able to see a wider range of statistics about the network at hand, internally and externally. Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of looking at flow data is that it can be used to assess network performance through the WAN, as well as through your extended network. It is almost unthinkable that we would try to assess network performance without looking at how the data is flowing from place to place. On a deeper level, this information is useful for finding snags in the security system and determining if a specific process can be optimized for improved flow.
It Keeps Getting Better
Despite the fact that flow data has been widely ignored in the past, falling outside of the top 3 on an IT team’s must-have data lists, more and more analytics software is being expanded just for measuring flow rates. On a larger scale, much of the new software is also using big data to fill in gaps in our knowledge, extrapolating important trends out of the mire. As the software continues to improve, companies across the board have made flow data their number one priority and resource. This change has happened in just the last two years and shows how valuable the information has come to be.
Now that flow data is garnering so much attention in the IT world, it seems that there’s nothing it doesn’t apply to. According to a study by EMA, 36% of companies are now using flow data to improve their network security protocols and 30% are using the data for network optimization. Once the flow data has been used to improve the IT processes, the company as a whole is using the new data to improve all of their other business processes as well. Flow data is literally shaping the future of companies, big and small, for the future.
If your company has not yet adopted flow data as the number one resource for all things analytics, now is the time. This single tool provides more information about the performance of your entire network than any other set of data available. Not only does it give you a solid understanding of your overall network performance, but it can also be used to target specific areas such as network security. It works both locally and globally, ensuring that you are getting the best possible view of your network from every vantage point. At onShore Security, we can help you with your business needs. To learn more, contact us today.